Chocolate purse batter

450g    dark chocolate cocoa barry guyaquil 64%

500g    olive oil perales

250g    flour ap

400g    eggs

200g    yolks

300g    sucrose

5g        salt

  1. Place chocolate and olive oil in a medium sized metal bowl. Transfer the bowl to a simmering water bath, and cook until chocolate is melted, stirring to mix evenly.
  2. Place the eggs, yolks, sucrose, and salt in a bowl, and whisk unitl even. Warm over a water bath until the eggs are 100 degrees, whisking lightly to avoid curdling the eggs.
  3. When the eggs are warmed to 100 degrees, strain the eggs into the bowl of the hobart mixer. Whip on speed 3 for 5 minutes, unitl the eggs reach full volume.
  4. When the eggs are at full bolume, turn the mixer to speed 1 and stream in the melted chocolate. Mix until the chocolate is 90 percent incorporated.
  5. Remove the bowl from the stand mixer, and sift the flour over the batter. Using a dough card, gently fold the flour into the batter by hand until even.
  6. When the batter is smooth, transfer to a cambro and chill in the refrigerator until set, preferably overnight.